Szwedzka, Równa, Inżynierska

Praga Factories

We start our walk in Szwedzka Street, next to the second underground line (Szwedzka Station). The street was laid out in the 1860s.  The factory buildings at 22 and 24 Szwedzka St., which can still be seen today, have a rich industrial history. At the end of the 19th century, the Brünner Brothers, Hugo Schneider and R. Ditmar Lamp and Metal Products Factory operated there, manufacturing oil lamps, gas and electric lamps, cookers and burners. At the same time, in the northern part, the Joint Stock Society of the “Praga” Chemical Products Factory was established. The tenement house at 46 Strzelecka Street is [also] worth mentioning. The building was owned by Maks Gurewicz. Its construction began at the beginning of the 20th century and it was a workers’ house meant for the employees of the formerly mentioned factory.

As we pass Szwedzka Street, we head towards Równa Street, the name of which dates back to the early 20th century. At 1 Równa St/34 Stalowa St, we can see the remains of the “Florange” Toilet Soap, Perfume and Cosmetics Factory. As a result of the economic crisis of the 1930s, the owners of the factory were forced to sell the building to the magistrate, having previously adapted it for educational purposes.

As we go along Równa Street to Czynszowa Street, next turning left, we get to Wileńska Street. Then we head towards Targowa Street and turn into perpendicular Inżynierska Street. It was built at the end of the 19th century and received its current name at the beginning of the next century.

At No. 5, in the backyard, there is a low two-storey building made of red brick. Two factories operated here, at numbers 5A and 5B respectively, one owned by Adolf Pypke and the other belonging to Karol Jung and Ludwik Barwich. It is worth paying attention to the façade, on which the original Cyrillic inscription has been preserved.


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Szwedzka, Równa, Inżynierska