It initially functioned as two separate firms: Warsaw Rectification and the Warsaw Wine Stores. The former was a private company created by the Warsaw Association of Purifying and Selling Spirits. In 1919 the State Spirit Monopoly took over control of the whole estate. The rectification (purification) process took place at a high level thanks to the use of innovative methods.
On the grounds of the estate there was, apart from the buildings which constituted the back area, a well with Oligocene water, a school and living quarters. Clear and flavoured vodkas were also produced, as well as denatured alcohol, while the factory experienced its greatest prosperity in the interwar period. The firm continued to work until 2007, when it was taken over by the Warsaw Spirits Industry Firm ‘Polmos.’
The Museum of the Warsaw Praga had its temporary home on the grounds of the ‘Connoisseur,’ before moving to the renovated tenement houseblocks at Targowa Street 50/52. Currently on Connoisseur Square, on the grounds of the former Industrial Estate at no. 1, the building of the Rectification Centre, functions as the home of the Museum of Polish Vodka. Thematic stands, cultural events and displays happen behind the walls of the ‘Connoisseur.’ Restaurants offer a wide choice of meals and beverages. Google Campus also has its headquarters in the Praga Centre ‘Connoisseur,’ focusing its services specifically to people interested in startups.
Bliskości starówki, znakomite skomunikowanie transportem miejskim z resztą miasta oraz duża liczba atrakcji w różnych obszarach tematycznych powodują, że warszawska Praga jest znakomitym miejscem do odkrycia tego, co jeszcze w Warszawie nieodkryte. Zarówno dla turystów jak i mieszkańców stolicy!
Zapraszamy na Pragę!
Barbara Tutak Prezes Zarządu Warszawskiej Organizacji Turystycznej
Dofinansowanie zadania publicznego ze środków Ministerstwa Rozwoju i Technologii zgodnie z zawartą Umową nr III/16/P/63003/2820/21/DT.
Dofinansowanie zadania publicznego ze środków Ministerstwa Rozwoju i Technologii zgodnie z zawartą Umową nr III/16/P/63003/2820/21/DT.
PragaodNova 2021 | Polityka prywatności
projekt i wykonanie: aiai.pl