Their manufacture does not require many ingredients: potatoes, onions, smoked bacon and oil. Despite this simple composition Pyzy conquer palates, and people who taste them often remember their flavour forever.
A place with a deep connection to serving Pyzy in Praga North was and remains Różycki’s bazaar. The potato-based delicacies were served in a jar, often wrapped in newspaper, to keep them warm for as long as possible, or in a thermos. They were eaten hurriedly, standing next to the bazaar kiosk. Strolling through the bazaar’s alleys, one could often hear shouts encouraging one to buy Pyzy. The most famous saleswoman of these delicacies was Hanna Suska, who recollects that there were twenty women at the bazaar who sold Pyzy and Flaki. Today their preparation is handled by her son, Jacek. One can try them on weekends, entering the bazaar from the side of Brzeska street, in the area OFF Brzeska.
Pyzy are the constant companion of events taking place on Praga North. One can taste them principally during Praga’s birthday celebrations, an event which was instituted to commemorate each anniversary of the granting of City Rights to Praga. During the celebrations of 2018 a record in the eating of Pyzy was set. Prepared by the eponymous restaurant Pyzy, Flaki Gorące working from Brzeska Street 29/31, the potato-based delicacies were eaten by 375 people.
The Czerniakowska band and the Warsaw Stanisława Wielanka band praised Pyzy in the song ‘Pyzy from the bazaar.’ People dreamt of their smell at night and the Pyzy themselves, prepared à la Różycki, were a culinary miracle. Hence not only did they conquer the palates of those who tasted them, but the song about them filled the grateful ears of music lovers.
Another ‘culinary good’ popular on the right side of the river, mainly in Targówek, is Pańska Skórka. To produce this traditional sweet one must use sugar, water, syrup, egg whites beaten with a little salt, gelatine and potato flour. Pańska Skórka is sold by the Bródnowski Cemetary, not only on All Saints’ Day. The most popular flavour is strawberry, but its creators keep surprising with ever new variants. The sweet has had a place on the List of the Traditional Products of the Mazowieckie Voievodship since 2008, and, according to many, the production of Pańskie Skórka ought to be considered a manifestation of immaterial cultural heritage.
Bliskości starówki, znakomite skomunikowanie transportem miejskim z resztą miasta oraz duża liczba atrakcji w różnych obszarach tematycznych powodują, że warszawska Praga jest znakomitym miejscem do odkrycia tego, co jeszcze w Warszawie nieodkryte. Zarówno dla turystów jak i mieszkańców stolicy!
Zapraszamy na Pragę!
Barbara Tutak Prezes Zarządu Warszawskiej Organizacji Turystycznej
Dofinansowanie zadania publicznego ze środków Ministerstwa Rozwoju i Technologii zgodnie z zawartą Umową nr III/16/P/63003/2820/21/DT.
Dofinansowanie zadania publicznego ze środków Ministerstwa Rozwoju i Technologii zgodnie z zawartą Umową nr III/16/P/63003/2820/21/DT.
PragaodNova 2021 | Polityka prywatności
projekt i wykonanie: aiai.pl